Monday, January 24, 2005

How Do I Become A Dental Consultant?

I'm in my mid-fifties (yes, a baby boomer) and am considering retiring from practice (I have an associate-in-training) , but don't want to remove myself entirely from the dental field. I've been thinking about going into dental consulting but really don't know where to start. Can anyone give me some assistance?

For more information on practice management and dealing with dental insurance in your office, CLICK HERE. If you would like to post a subject and start a discussion, EMAIL US BY CLICKING HERE


At 8:49 AM, Blogger dp said...

The Huskin Group is currently preparing a homestudy course that explains the skill sets required to work in the dental insurance industry, how a dentist can adapt his/her clinical skills to meet these needs and what is involved in searching for and obtaining a consultant position. For more information on this course, send us an email by CLICKING HERE.


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