What is in your patient charts?
Aside from the normal treatment information, are you including the following items in your patient charts:
1) Are procedures being initialed by the clinician who performs those procedures? (hygienist - dentist, etc)
2) Are you indicating the type and amount of local anesthesia (if any) being administered?
3) If an alternate treatment is discuss with the patient, is that being indicated in the chart along with the patient's initials indicating the he/she is aware of the financial implecations?
4) If a tooth requires a cast restoration, are you indicating why? (Example: Buccal cusp fractured). If you are subject to an audit or your treatment is questioned in the future, simple notes can job the memory as to the necessity.
If makes good sense to keep notes on this and more in the event of an audit or if you have to validate treatment for a 3rd party.
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